miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

LiStEnInG aCtIvItIeS.....

Listening is arguably the most important skill required for obtaining comprehensible input in one’s first and any subsequent languages. Students can improve their listening skills through a combination of extensive and intensive listening material. Extensive and intensive listening are important since it provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices other than the teacher's. Listening activities help to develop a good speaking habits and improve the pronunciation.

8 comentarios:

  1. I think listening is one of the hardest skills one can pick up when learning english, so it has to be continuously practiced and evaluated with entertaining exercises, otherwise the students won't gain appreciation for the language

  2. i think that listening is a good method to learn english, i like that because students can practice in different ways and they can identify the tone and pronunciation of speakers... it's an excelent way to improve the pronunciation and grammar

  3. Excellent information and reflection.

    I agree with it. Listening is by far the most important and difficult skill to acquire when learning not solely English but all languages.

    without comprehension, one cannot communicate with people.

    Concerning the blog itself, I suggest you to include some activities within, for example some exercises that show what you are trying to express with this information. Alright?

    Nice work!

    Cheers mate!

  4. Hi Monis, your blog is very interesting because all the information that you put in it is very important and we have to take into a count to develop our listening comprehension, also I think you can post some activities relate with the theory,
    good luck,

  5. it is a really interesting blog, but it would be better to upload a least one activity for each one of the topics.

  6. Totally true, listening skill should develop our learning of English because of that, if you want to have good fluency and pronunciation, you will be work in this competence and you have to look for extra information to improve it. Nice it!

  7. i like your blog because you have important information about how learn english....

  8. hi monica, your blog is a good work i like because you put a lot information usefull to learn about skills. is nice.

